About Me

My name is Br. Isaac and I am a student brother for the Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great. Being a Dominican friar is kinda cool...to adequately speak about this life is a job for my future blog posts. But aside from my religious consecration (is there anything aside from it?), I will try my best to describe me in words. Here goes nothing:

  • I am notorious for starting blogs and not keeping up with them. There are two exceptions (but really one) to this trend. First, I still post semi-consistently on my poetry blog. That's been happening since high school...which was almost a decade ago (gulp!). The second exception was my Rome semester abroad blog. Since I am no longer there, I guess you can say that I do not keep up with the blog but you could also argue that I saw it to its natural completion. I'm a fan of the latter opinion.
  • As much as I would like to deny it, I am a musical person. If I wasn't in the Order of Preachers, I would, without hesitation, audition for The Voice. If Miley Cyrus was still a judge and she spun her chair around, I would not second guess picking her as my coach. Aside from singing, I also play the ukulele and the trumpet! Music is fun and uses my brain the way it likes to be used.
  • I also really like food and movies. Together, it's like a match made in Heaven. 
But I think most important, I love Jesus and I love the Catholic Church! Some would describe me as crazy and I would describe myself as a hot mess...but I'm really God's crazy hot mess. 

And sadly, you now have a pretty good idea of who I am and how my brain works. Obviously this is scratching the surface of my person but this is a blog: just read it.
